The annual celebration of Easter typically falls during the month of April, but it also features a large variety of heroic saints, such as St. George and St. Mark the Evangelist, as well as St. Bernadette, St. Gianna Galgani and St. Gianna Molla.
Here is a list of 8 of the most notable saints to imitate and celebrate in April.
1St. Isidore of Seville - April 4
St. Isidore of Seville was a very knowledgeable bishop, collecting a large amount of information into books during his life. The Church later appointed him the patron saint of the internet.
2St. Vincent Ferrer - April 5
The Church honors the memory of St. Vincent Ferrer a Dominican priest who spent his life working for unity.
3St. Gemma Galgani - April 11
St. Gemma was a holy Italian mystic who was deeply devoted to Jesus' Passion and received many private revelations.
4St. Bernadette - April 16
St. Bernadette is best known for receiving various private revelations at Lourdes, France, where thousands flock each year in hope of healing.
5St. George - April 23
Patron saint of England, St. George is most recognizable as the saint who legendarily slew a dragon.
6St. Mark The Evangelist - April 25
St. Mark is credited as the author of the shortest Gospel and may have received some of his stories directly from St. Peter the Apostle.
7St. Gianna Molla - April 28

St. Gianna Molla is often invoked in all types of pro-life circumstances, as she chose to risk her own health to protect the life of her unborn child.
8St. Catherine of Siena - April 29
St. Catherine of Siena was another influential Italian mystic who is one of the few female Doctors of the Church.