Besides the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Our Lady of Fatima also asked the faithful to commit to the 5 First Saturday devotion.
What is the First Saturday devotion?
Our Lady of Fatima revealed to Sr. Lucia the following aspects of the First Saturday devotion.
All of these actions should be done with the intention to make reparation for the offenses committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
How can I commit to this devotion?
God knows the depths of our heart, so technically we do not need to make a formal act of commitment to this devotion. All that is required is being faithful to God and making him a priority in our lives.
However, if you would like to make a more formal act of commitment, you can sign a pledge on the World Apostolate of Fatima's website.
According to the website, the pledge states, "I will have my name placed at the site of the apparitions in Fatima as a sign of my intent to honor her requests, and I will become a spiritual child of St. Padre Pio who promised that he would be a spiritual father for every WAF/Blue Army member."
The website also has other resources for completing the 5 First Saturday devotion and other explanations of the apparitions at Fatima.
The key is not to go through this devotion in a mechanical way, but to open our hearts to God and to place the needs of the world into the Immaculate Heart of Mary.