There's nothing quite so uplifting as hearing church bells peal. Whether they're calling the faithful to worship, or ringing out in joy when a couple weds, it's a familiar sound that we may take for granted.
While some churches have now installed a system to automate the bells, others still rely on the efforts of bell-ringers. It's a physical task that requires great rhythm, strong arms, and an ability to climb up those many steps into the church tower.
Thankfully in east London, a number of parishes can count on the hard work of bell-ringer Andrew and his two sons Alexander and Thomas. According to the video produced by the BBC, the father-sons trio go to three different churches, where they ring together in harmony.
"When it goes well, it's cracking, it really is marvelous," shared Andrew, the self-proclaimed ringing master. But as he also points out, it is a moment to "provide constructive criticism ... and teaching" to his sons.
While the moment is a wonderful opportunity for the family to bond, it also plays a vital role in the community, reminding everybody "that the church is alive," as Andrew explains.
And it is these centuries-old traditions that need to be cherished, not just for their practical purpose and rich symbolism, but for giving individuals and families a chance to play a part in bringing Christ to the world.