The Gospel for this Sunday is John 16:12-15
1 Close to the Holy Trinity
We refer to the Holy Trinity in our daily lives, even though we may not think about it. Every Sign of the Cross is an invocation of the Trinity, as are all the sacraments. We live in the space of the Trinity, and thus we are never alone.
Blessed Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski, who was unjustly imprisoned for several years, said that he was never alone because he turned to the Holy Trinity: God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

2 Key words
"But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you to all truth."
The Holy Spirit is the one who knows the Truth and guides to the Truth. This is not just about lack of falsehood and honesty. The fullness of the Truth is Jesus. The Holy Spirit leads us to Jesus. God wants to give us what is best.
Jesus emphasizes a very deep relationship with the Father. Jesus often used the Aramaic word "Abba" when speaking to God the Father.
According to exegetes, the word "Abba" is derived from the vocabulary of young children. It is very direct and affectionate. No one in the time of the Lord Jesus dared to call God this way. Jesus is the first to address God so simply, with closeness and without any fear. Like a son to his dad.
3 Today
The Holy Trinity is the source of love. That is why we turn to the Holy Trinity in our prayers. We want to draw from the source itself, not from the cistern.