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Care for culture, for a culture of care

Melissa Maioni - published on 06/23/22
Christians must create a cultural landscape that protects the family and human life from conception to natural death.

On May 21, 2022, there was a national demonstration "Let's Choose Life" in Rome, attended by thousands of people from all over Italy. This historical fact, which is part of the chronicle of these days, should convey to us a certainty and not just an abstract idea: that life is not an archived and "old-fashioned" challenge, but a very current trend that is gradually spreading more and more, in those who will have eyes and ears capable of being reached.

The protection of life today challenges everyone: on a social and political level, on a scientific level, on a historical level. Who among us has the courage to believe that life is a precious good for everyone and not only for the parents who will welcome it? Who among us has the courage to bet on company models that enhance the needs of large families by making their children the pride of the company itself? Who among us has the courage to believe that the future and the history of our country is in the hands of the mothers and fathers who with so much effort contradict the well-thought politically correct served up by the media? Which man of science or health professional has the courage to make his profession a testimony of service to the same family?

Not many perhaps, but evidently not all. This is not just a hope, but a certainty.

Peace and life

In the current European political scenario, we hear a lot of people talking about peace. However, it is worthwhile to always keep in mind the words of the Holy Father (Peace Day address, January 2021): “The culture of care, as a common, supportive and participatory commitment to protect and promote the dignity and good of all, as a disposition to take an interest, to care, to compassion, to reconciliation and healing, to mutual respect and mutual acceptance, constitutes a privileged way to build peace”. 

And where does the 'culture of care' originate? The Holy Father continues: “Education for care begins in the family, the natural and fundamental nucleus of society, where one learns to live in relationship and mutual respect. However, it is necessary for the family to be able to fulfill this vital and indispensable task”. 

Therefore, it is important to create a cultural landscape that protects the family and human life from conception to natural death.

Beginning with universities

The care of culture is the responsibility of the universities: they are the bodies in charge of developing a truthful thought, capable of declining the human anthropology to the different historical epochs. The culture of care, therefore, is also their responsibility, and in this sociocultural landscape it is really important that they become aware of this role and responsibility.

This is the intention of our bioethics faculty and the dedicated academic programs at the Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum. Everyone can find in our training offer an itinerary compatible with their needs and expectations. We offer the licentiate in bioethics corresponding to the master's degree, that is a two-year course that can be taken in ordinary or intensive mode, which can then be continued with the doctoral course. The Training Course in bioethics , which can also be used remotely, has been active for many years. Together with the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights, we offer the Training Course in Neurobioethics, the Master's in Global Bioethics in English, and the Maestria in Bioethics in Spanish.

In September 2022, there will also be the first edition of the master's program in Social Doctrine of the Church applied to life issues in collaboration with Finis Terrae University in Santiago, Chile, Francisco de Vitoria University and the Society of Apostolic Life Consecrated Laity of Regnum Christi. From July 4 to 8 there will be the  Summer Course , this year focusing on the theme "Bioethics, Death and Immortality."

As Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum we feel this mission very strongly and we place ourselves at the service of all those who wish to prepare themselves to respond to the call of the Holy Father and to be counted among those who form the people of life.

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