Abortion is a hotly debated topic in our modern culture, but one that has some key underlying issues. According to St. John Paul II, those issues revolve around the degradation of the sexual act and an idea that children are obstacles to happiness.
He explained his thoughts in his encyclical, Evangelium Vitae.
The sexual act has become removed from its original place in marriage and has been distorted, turned into an act of selfish pleasure.
With this selfish view of sexuality, the natural fruit of the marital embrace is seen as an "enemy" and must be eliminated from the picture.
How can we address these issues?
St. John Paul II believed that the only way to adequately address these issues underlying abortion is to promote an authentic view of sexuality, as as his foundational Theology of the Body.
If we want abortion to be truly abolished from this earth, we must address the underlying issues of abortion and educate our young people about the God-given beauty of their sexuality.