Intimacy is at the heart of marriage, but it’s often misunderstood, or simply not talked about. But something so important deserves its own conversation. So we’re looking forward to an upcoming “virtual date night” on the topic of intimacy in marriage.
This upcoming conversation is free, and a breeze to join from wherever you are. The hosts are Mike and Alicia Hernon of the Messy Family Project, and the speakers are Dr. Edward Sri and his wife Beth. Consider this your official invitation:
Want to know more? We had the chance to catch up with Mike and Alicia Hernon about the event, and here’s what they shared.
This isn’t the Hernons’ first rodeo. They began planning “virtual date nights” during the pandemic, and enjoyed it so much that they kept it going.
“Marriage is important. and not enough couples take time to invest in their marriage,” they said. “We see how busy parents are and we thought this was a great way for them to have an ‘at home’ date night. No need for a babysitter or expensive drinks!” Amen to that!
So why a conversation about intimacy?
“Intimacy is the path to true connection, and there is no one in the world that you should be more intimate with than your spouse,” they explained. “We as Catholics believe that this union is a source of grace for the couple. The sacrament of marriage is how the life of God flows into your home, and the renewal of that sacrament via the marital embrace is more than important. It is essential.”
The speakers at the event, Dr. Edward and Beth Sri, are a natural fit for the topic. They are committed to sharing the beauty of the marriage sacrament, and recently authored a book, The Good, the Messy, and the Beautiful: The Joys and Struggles of Real Married Life. (During the date night, they'll be giving away three copies!)
The Hernons are hopeful that the date night will help couples to feel refreshed and renewed in their love for each other, as well as encouraged that they’re not alone in harder seasons of marriage.
“Every couple, no matter how they look on the outside, has struggles on the inside and has to work to grow their love,” they said.
Besides sharing important principles for marriage, they said, the Sris offer great hope through the witness of their love for each other.
The event is open to all couples. If you’re wondering whether you’re the right audience, the Hernons want you to know that you are absolutely welcome!
“We are all at different places in our faith journey and in our marriage journey, but we can all get better together,” they said. “No one is perfect, life is messy and your marriage matters to the Church and to the world.”