The New York Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences has awarded an Emmy to the documentary Doctor Tallaj: The Hispanic Who Faced COVID-19 in New York.
The documentary, included under the “Social Concerns” category, focuses on the heroic activity carried out by Dr. Ramón Tallaj during the pandemic as leader of the SOMOS Community Care Network, which brings together doctors caring for vulnerable communities in New York City.
The video was made and produced by physicians who are part of the SOMOS Community Care network (which has more than 2,500 professionals) and the global Catholic network Aleteia.
Doctors on the front line against COVID-19
In the documentary, Dr. Tallaj himself offers a real, critical view of how he led the battle against COVID-19, facing the medical and political adversities affecting the most underprivileged neighborhoods of NYC during 2020 and 2021.
The prize was awarded on October 8, at the annual New York Emmy Awards ceremony.
Since 1949, the prestigious Emmys have recognized the best productions and professionals in the TV industry in the United States.
A tribute to heroic physicians
Upon receiving the recognition, Dr. Tallaj first wanted to thank God, “who has guided me in my professional and personal life and has taught me that the most important thing is the human person, and its inherent dignity […] My calling as a doctor,” Tallaj explained “is to humanize the healthcare system by putting the patient at the very center of our caring."
Dr. Tallaj also dedicated the Emmy award “to the doctors at SOMOS Community Care, and to all the doctors in New York City who lost their lives during the pandemic for their heroic service to their patients, many times those most in need.”
Tallaj had especially in mind the 12 SOMOS doctors who died of COVID-19 while fighting the inequalities their communities have to suffer through when it comes to healthcare.
“In general,” Tallaj added, “this film is a recognition of the work of primary care physicians, women and men of all races and creeds, who give their lives every day in the service of their communities.”
After dedicating the award to his wife, Inés, his children, and his entire family, Dr. Tallaj thanked the video producers for their professionalism: the Aleteia team (which included journalists Miriam Díez Bosch as director of creative services and Dolors Massot as screenwriter and producer), as well as the producer Miriam Coletta, the director of photography Renzo Devia, the SOMOS Vice President of Communications Anel Pla, and the journalist Denisse Oller.
The 2022 NY Emmy comes to SOMOS Community Care after this entity received two other NY Emmys in 2021 for the videos The Graffiti Artist Who Became a Doctor and SOMOS Kidz Animated Series.
You can watch the video here: