There's something very comforting about prayer, and spending a moment communing with our Heavenly Father. Yet, when others offer up their prayers for us, it can evoke a very powerful feeling indeed.
A post by musician Sunny Sweeney was shared on social media with the following comment:
“I watched this whole thing go down in an airport and felt like sharing it with you.
"This young military man, Michael (full name was on his backpack) was standing here about to board a plane and a random man walked up and said thank you for your service. Then asked if he could pray for his safety. I started crying of course just watching this nice end to a crappy day unfold on my 16 hour cross country flight, but Americans never cease to amaze me. Beautiful."
While we can't be sure of the exact circumstances of the photo, it is a beautiful reflection. After all, it is very easy to offer our thoughts and prayers to others, but actually taking the time to sit -- or stand in this case -- and pray with someone makes the praying seem all the more impactful and reassuring.