Lent is a penitential season every year when many Catholics choose to give up some sort of tasty treat or licit pleasure for 40 days. It can range from candy to desserts to their favorite TV show (which they may or may not binge watch on Sunday, when Lenten penances may be waived).
While these sacrifices are good and can help us grow in holiness, sometimes spiritual directors will encourage us to focus on one sin to work on.
Sometimes it can be tempting to do it all and try to eliminate every single sinful habit in our lives.
However, that strategy is often unrealistic and we often fall short of our goal. This can lead to despair and a return to our sinful way of life, thinking to ourselves that we can never be holy.
It is possible that eating sweets is the sinful habit we need to root out of our lives, but if we look closer, it could be something even more mundane.
For example, we may be tempted each day to participate in gossip or to speak badly about others behind their backs.
Many of us struggle even more with digital temptations, such as pornography or responding to every Tweet or Facebook post with a sarcastic comment.
Whatever it may be, we all have our "pet" sins. and Lent presents the perfect opportunity to choose one to root out for the next 40 days.