A new documentary that follows Andrea Bocelli and his wife Veronica as they travel the Via Francigena on horseback, meeting a star-studded lineup of faith-based singers along the way, is coming to theaters in time for Holy Week.
Titled THE JOURNEY: A Music Special from Andrea Bocelli, this 90-minute feature film combines breathtaking Italian landscapes, world-class musical performances, and musings on the virtues of religious music, silence, and family to present the must-see faith film of the season.
This film is an incredibly personal project for Bocelli, who opens himself up to audiences for rare glimpses into his life and family, which are revealed through conversations with his wife, Veronica, and the many guest artists who join him for stints of the trip. In the beginning of the film, for example, Bocelli reveals that his first horse was a gift from his late father just prior to his death, which immediately sets an intimate tone for THE JOURNEY.
As the couple ride through the quiet countryside, Bocelli remarks on the value of silence, in regards to both music and faith development. Here, Bocelli becomes a full fledged philosopher, likening the silence between notes of a song to the silences between moments in our lives. It is in these moments that the music and its rhythm take form, and similarly it is the time in which we can bring form to our own faith through such prayerful interaction with the Almighty.

As the Bocellis proceed through the Via Francigena, the famed Italian pilgrimage route that extends more than 1,000 miles and is Europe's oldest pilgrimage route, they are joined by many high profile Christian singers. The first guest of the film is Tori Kelly, who seems like a natural horse rider. We don’t want to spoil the set list, but we will note that Kelly sings two songs, one supported by a phenomenal Gospel choir and the other a duet with Bocelli, accompanied by the renowned guitar quartet, 40 Fingers.

The next guest to join Bocelli is Grammy Award winning pianist Michael W. Smith, who performs several songs and even shows off his skills on the organ in a quiet Italian church. He and Bocelli sit down for a conversation on the pride they take in performing music of faith, likening their craft to a vocation. Smith’s candle-lit performance in an ancient Roman ruin was among the most memorable visuals of the film.

While we’re talking about visuals, it’s hard to overstate the beauty of THE JOURNEY’s cinematography. Wherever they go, be it on a dirt road on Italy’s rolling hills, at the Vatican, inside various storied churches, or at Bocelli’s villa, this film is a veritable feast for the eyes. This too speaks to the personal nature of the film, as we see a blind man continuing to deepen his faith, even as he cannot see the awe inspiring sites designed to spur devotion within the faithful.
As the film progresses, singer Tauren Wells joins the group, during which he reveals that he had never been on a horse before the filming. Be that as it may, he rides well and the two share a conversation on the transformative power of music, before Wells gives a thrilling performance of one of his best songs, accompanying himself on piano.
Soon after, Bocelli meets up with Taya, of Hillsong UNITED, who sings one of her most famous songs while accompanied by Bocelli on piano. Here Bocelli shows off his multi-instrumental talent, all the while adding rich harmonies to support Taya.

Our favorite moment of the film was when Andrea met up with his daughter, Virginia, at the Basilica of Santa Christina. Here, Bocelli remarks upon the virtue of fatherhood and the pride he takes in passing his faith down to his children. The shots of Bocelli taking his daughter around to share various aspects of Catholicism are simply heartwarming. Bocelli also shares a similar moment with his son Matteo, who reads his father a touching letter he wrote himself.

All of these elements and guest singers come together for a final song that cements THE JOURNEY as a monumental and thrilling musical extravaganza. It’s hard to call it the best song of the show, as THE JOURNEY is just brimming with some of the most high quality religious songs of both the classical and contemporary songbooks, but the scope of the performance is practically dizzying as the camera bounces around to the various beautiful settings of the film.
We could go on and on about the immense beauty which THE JOURNEY packs into just an hour and a half, but words are insufficient to convey such tremendously touching audio and visuals. Instead, we’ll highly recommend that all lovers of music, art, and the Catholic faith see this excellent documentary on the big screen, where it will be running in theaters across the US from April 2-6.
Tickets for THE JOURNEY: A Music Special from Andrea Bocelli are already on sale at Fathom Events. Click here to reserve your seats for this exciting faith film today. Learn more at the film's official website.