Trudging from my manager’s office, I kept my eyes down and followed the well-worn carpet back to my cubby. Sinking back into my office chair, I turned towards the window. From here on the 10th floor I could see people enjoying the park next door.
I watched them, some strolling, some out for a lunchtime run, some sitting and reading, others walking their dogs. All around, May was in full bloom; gorgeous purple and white rhododendron shrubs, dancing yellow daffodils, and a rainbow of colorful tulips all swayed gracefully in the sweet springtime breeze. But I wasn’t interested in any of that. I was preoccupied with the unsatisfactory job performance review I had just received.
After three months at my dream job in the high-level communications department of a major hospital, I had just been told that I wasn’t working out as expected. All this time I had thought this was where I was meant to be; my mother had been a nurse at this same hospital years earlier. The position carried so much sentimental importance to me, as well as professional significance. But now I'd learned that apparently I wasn’t a “good fit.” What was I going to do? I said a prayer, asking God for guidance and direction.
Just then, two folks walking in the park crossed my field of vision and captured my attention immediately. The pair was an elderly gentleman holding onto a toddler walking right beside him. Their steps were completely synchronized, and the little guy's arm was stretched up as far as it could go, with the grown-up man, perhaps his grandfather, letting the toddler hold on to his index finger. The little boy's awkward gait told me right away that these were among his very first steps. His head was tossed back, smiling, looking around at everything, pointing to the treetops, the sky, the birds, and the smiling face of his grandfather.
First steps, a significant milestone and a touching reminder of all that lies ahead. So much to look forward to! And as I watched them on their walk, it came to me that toddlers taking those precious first steps always seem to be looking up and smiling at the world around them, as if they are overcome with joy and excitement. I realized He had heard my prayer, and thanked Him for this beautiful, comforting answer.
Just then the phone rang, and it was my husband calling to see how my day was going.
“Things are looking up,” I told him, and I meant it with all my heart.
This is part of the series called “The Human Being Fully Alive” found here.