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Try this 11-word Morning Offering from Pope Francis

Pope Francis Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima
Kathleen N. Hattrup - published on 08/09/23 - updated on 11/07/23
Let's cut through the excuses and form the habit of this weighty spiritual practice.

Countless saints and spiritual writers recommend the simple but weighty spiritual practice of beginning your day by offering it to God.

There are a number of Morning Offering prayers. (Here, we shared 15 options, and if you search in our archives, you'll find even more.)

It is admirable to have one or a number of these prayers memorized. But for those who don't, there's the option of taping the prayer on your mirror, or even getting it printed on your coffee cup.

When my kids were little, we made up a little song to make it easier to pray the morning offering.

But in case none of that is working for you, and you still don't have the habit of making a morning offering, maybe the solution is more simple.

Pope Francis spoke about quick prayers (including the morning offering) during an Angelus address in 2022.

His suggestion for the Morning Offering is only 11 words long:

“Lord, I thank you and I offer this day to you."

Pray always

The Holy Father's reflection came as he was speaking about the Gospel invocation to "pray always." Here's more of what he said:

This is why Jesus says to his disciples today — to everyone, not only to some! — “that they ought always to pray and not lose heart” (v. 1).

Now someone might object: “But how can I do that? I don’t live in a convent. I don’t have much time to pray!”

Forgotten spiritual practice

Perhaps a wise spiritual practice, which is a bit forgotten today, and which our elderly, especially the grandmothers, know well, can come to our aid with this real difficulty. These are so-called aspirations. The name is a bit outdated, but the substance is good.

What are they? They are very short, easy to memorize prayers that can be repeated often throughout the day, in the course of various activities, to remain “in tune” with the Lord.


For example, as soon as we awaken, we can say: “Lord, I thank you and I offer this day to you.” This is a short prayer.

Then, before an activity, we can repeat, “Come, Holy Spirit.”

Between one thing and another, we can pray thus, “Jesus, I trust in you. Jesus, I love you.”

Really short prayers that help us stay in contact with the Lord.

Text messages to God

How often we send text messages to the people we love! Let us do this with the Lord as well so that our hearts remain connected to him.

He texts back!

And let us not forget to read his responses. The Lord always responds. Where do we find them? In the Gospel which should always be kept at hand and should be opened several times every day, to receive a Word of life directed to us.

And let us go back to the advice I have given many times — carry a pocket-size Gospel in your pocket, in your purse. So that when you have a minute, open it and read something, and the Lord will respond.

May the Virgin Mary, faithful listener, teach us the art of praying always, without losing heart.

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