The feeling of dread can be all-consuming. You might dread going to the doctors in fear of bad news. You may also have a feeling of trepidation about having to confront someone or say something you'd rather avoid.
In fact, dread can fill your life so much that you might feel paralyzed to do what you need to do. But do not fear!
While the Bible is filled with wonderful quotes on how to combat fear and anxiety, this one quote from Deuteronomy is perfect for the dread that can eat way at you.
Be strong and steadfast; have no fear or dread of them, for it is the LORD, your God, who marches with you; he will never fail you or forsake you.

Knowing that "God marches with you" is enough to fill anybody with the fortitude they need to face a situation. What's more, these four words alone are something you can recite as often as you need if dread creeps up on you. By repeating them over and over you'll soon be able to face absolutely anything.
Of course, while these words can comfort adults, they're a very concrete way of reassuring children, too. If you teach your children these four wonder words, they can not only remember them, but say them when they need a little extra courage.