There's a myriad of wonderful reasons to be a Catholic, from developing a relationship with our Heavenly Father -- and knowing that when the time comes He'll be there waiting with open arms to welcome us for an eternity -- to having guidance for living a good and rewarding life.
However, there are some other very good aspects of being a Catholic, especially today. While we've listed just a few below that we think you might agree with, we would really love to hear what your favorite parts are of being baptized in the Catholic faith. Share in the comments below.
Holy humor
Being Catholic comes with a built-in sense of humor. From trying to suppress a giggle when it comes to a reading with names that leave you totally tongue-tied, to the banter after Sunday Mass or at Church events, Catholics know how to find joy in our faith. And this is particularly essential in a world full of challenges.
Saintly squad
Imagine having a whole team of heavenly friends cheering you on! Saints are like the ultimate fan club, each with their unique expertise. Need help with lost items? Call on St. Anthony. Feeling a bit hopeless? St. Jude has your back.
And what's more, learning about the thousands of holy men and women who lived before us can't help but inspire us in how we lead our own lives today. Thanks to technology, we have more access to information about these saints at a click of a button.
Festive feasts
Being a Catholic means acknowledging some key people and events in our faith. And this often means celebration. With a liturgical calendar full of feast days and special events, there's always an excuse for a joyful gathering, delicious food, and maybe a dance or two. This is a great way to combat the isolation so many people feel due to the rise in social media, and a life that's often revolved around screens.
Confession, the ultimate reset button
Ever wish you could hit the reset button on a tough day or week? Confession is like a spiritual reset, offering a chance to reflect, repent, and start anew with the forgiveness and grace that comes with it. The sacrament is also a great way to grow closer to God over the years.
Catholic cuisine
Fish on Fridays, pancake breakfasts, and bake sales – the Catholic community knows how to combine faith with food. It's not just about feeding the soul; we've got delicious ways to feed the body, too! And what's more, this often involves an opportunity to share a meal with loved ones and friends.
Eternal optimism
And we've saved what must be the best to last. Catholics have a hopeful outlook on life. With the promise of eternal life, there's a sense of optimism that can help navigate the challenges of the present. It's almost like having a built-in perspective shifter!