During Advent we turn our hearts and minds to Mary and the reality of the incarnation. We recall how Jesus came into the world through her "Yes" to God.
However, we often forget that God continues to enter into the world through us.
Pope Benedict XVI highlighted this truth in his 2005 homily at the beginning of Advent:
We have said that this coming was unique: "the" coming of the Lord. Yet there is not only the final coming at the end of time: in a certain sense the Lord always wants to come through us. And he knocks at the door of our hearts: are you willing to give me your flesh, your time, your life?
He continues his reflection by saying, "This is the voice of the Lord who also wants to enter our epoch, he wants to enter human life through us. He also seeks a living dwelling place in our personal lives. This is the coming of the Lord. Let us once again learn this in the season of Advent: the Lord can also come among us."
God waits for our response and desires to enter into the world again through us, our words and deeds.
It is up to us to respond to God's invitation and to be like Mary, open and receptive to his words, ready to bring Christ into the world to all we encounter.