While the conclusion of Lent is clearly focused on the Eucharist, specifically the Last Supper and the institution of the sacrament, the entire season is also Eucharistic.
1Making Sacrifices
Lent is a season that is typically focused on sacrifices, in imitation of Jesus' own sacrifices and his supreme sacrifice on the cross.
We can chose to embrace this spiritual dimension of Lent and to unite our personal sacrifices to Jesus.
2Attending Mass
Furthermore, whenever we think of sacrifices during Lent, we often associate Jesus' sacrifices with the Mass.
Many people try to attend Mass more often during the penitential 40 days of Lent, attending daily Mass in addition to Sunday Mass.
3Loving others
Pope Benedict XVI offers another way to live a Eucharistic Lent in his 2007 message:
Let us live Lent, then, as a "Eucharistic" time in which, welcoming the love of Jesus, we learn to spread it around us with every word and deed. Contemplating "him whom they have pierced" moves us in this way to open our hearts to others, recognizing the wounds inflicted upon the dignity of the human person.
The Eucharist reminds us of Jesus' love for us, which in turn should motivate us to love others in a similar way.
As we progress through the season of Lent, may we not forget these three ways to live Eucharistically.