In an advertising-saturated world packed with images of unattainable designer living rooms and pristine farmhouse kitchens, the Idaho-based mommy blogger Aeilla (last name withheld for privacy) has gained a viral online following in only a few months by broadcasting budgeting tips and cleaning hacks straight from her $750-per-month trailer park home.
Aeilla, also known as @scatteredmother, launched her Creativity Beta TikTok account last December to help make ends meet for her family of four, who live on her construction worker boyfriend's salary -- under $30,000 per year. Within a few weeks of sharing low-cost meal prep videos, the self-proclaimed "trailer park mom" had earned several thousand dollars and began receiving regular gifts from fans such as bulk shipments of diapers. She now boasts over 100,000 followers and has received a number of corporate sponsorship deals.
"I have two kids," Aeilla told the New York Post recently, speaking about her unexpected success. "I don't have a lot of time to pamper myself and look like a supermodel."
In addition to budgeting tips, Aeilla has also been open about the fact that she and her children are neurodivergent; she struggles with attention deficit disorder, while her children have sensory issues that make meal-times a challenge. Aeilla shares these struggles with a smile, explaining how something as simple as using paper plates daily helps her overcome mental obstacles.
While Aeilla has many fans, she receives plenty of negative comments too. "Haters" have criticized her for not getting a job outside the home and for cooking too many processed foods. But Aeilla pushes back, embracing the opportunity to promote the role of a stay-at-home Mom (SAHM) -- offering regular words of affirmation for those embracing the age-old vocation.
"I'm being myself," Aeilla says with a smile, "and I guess that's relatable."