For centuries the solemnity of the Annunciation has been celebrated on March 25. This day is exactly nine months before the celebration of Christmas, which occurs on December 25.
However, March 25 will occasionally fall during Holy Week, which means, in the Western Church, that the liturgical celebration is suppressed.
Whenever this occurs, the liturgical observance is moved to the next available week day that is not a solemnity.
Since the week following Easter is considered "a week of solemnities," the Annunciation gets pushed back even further.
In 2024, the Annunciation is moved from March 25 all the way to Monday, April 8.
This means that all the liturgical readings and prayers for the solemnity of the Annunciation are used on April 8, even though it is not March 25.
While we certainly can personally remember the Annunciation on March 25 and look forward to Christmas on December 25, the liturgical texts will not mention it and will focus instead on the last week of Jesus' earthly life.