Your parents' wedding anniversary, a colleague's farewell party, a friend's departure on a trip ... You've certainly chipped in at least once in your life to help make an occasion of this kind really special. But what if it were possible to contribute to celebrate the Virgin Mary? That's what Hozana is offering.
Hozana is a website where you can join prayer communities and entrust your intentions to other people’s intercession.
The month of May, traditionally dedicated to the Blessed Virgin, is fast approaching. To mark the occasion, Hozana is offering the Mother of Christ not just a bouquet of flowers ... but a million “roses.” These are very special roses, as they are actually decades of the Rosary, or "spiritual roses"!
Every 10 Hail Marys prayed with the Rosario application from May 1 to 31 will correspond to a spiritual rose offered to Mary. And as the icing on the cake at the end of this extraordinary initiative, the Hozana association will place thousands of real roses at the foot of the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico, a Marian shrine that welcomes some 20 million visitors every year.
More than 22,000 people in 23 countries around the world are already taking part in this unprecedented gift.

Created in 2022, the Rosario app is inspired by the living Rosary, created two centuries ago by Blessed Pauline Jaricot, in which each person in a prayer group undertook to recite a decade while meditating on a holy mystery, thus forming a complete Rosary. Initially launched in French, the app now has a community of 80,000 people who pray. It will be available starting in May in three new languages: English, Portuguese, and Spanish.
The Rosary, a beautiful devotion to Mary
This is a practical way to start praying the Rosary, as the Blessed Virgin has so often requested in her apparitions, exhorting all people to take up the Rosary to raise their prayers to God.
"I am from Heaven ... Recite the Rosary every day to obtain peace for the world,” Mary told the little shepherds at Fatima.
The Rosary is a particularly powerful weapon against evil, since it’s the Virgin Mary who crushes the devil's head. The devil fears the Virgin's name!
Throughout their lives, many saints have encouraged believers to pray the Rosary. This is particularly true of Padre Pio, for whom the Rosary was "la mia spada,” that is, his “sword” against evil. "The Rosary is my favorite prayer. A marvelous prayer in its simplicity and depth," said St. John Paul II.
Now it’s your turn!!
Practical info: