If you liked the film “Into Great Silence” you might like this short piece filmed at the Carmel of Wolverhampton in the UK. Just under a half hour long, it is a beautifully shot peek into the lives of these very private nuns as they go about their day, praying the office, working, eating, laughing quite loudly during their recreation, and so forth. There are a few sisters answering questions of the filmmakers, Miranda Tasker and Marcus Nield.
If you don’t have time to watch it all, I recommend you forwarding to 16:10, when we see a younger sister writing questions to an elderly sister who has lost her hearing but is delightfully in her wits. She answers the questions with clarity and humor, and throws a few questions back at her guests, as well. After extolling the love of God for all creation, she says to them, “You look very mystified. Don’t you love God?”
The younger sister explains that the filmmakers have “A different understanding of God,” and, after again pronouncing on God’s love, the elder sister asks them, “Do you read the Gospel?” When apparently both say they do not she takes it well but says in an aside to the younger, “What the’re missing, aren’t they, sister?”
And then she talks more about love.
A wonderful, refreshing half hour.