O God, whom I have displeased by squandering away, on worldly cares and idle vanities, so many, many hours of that existence which was given to me for the performance of good works, for my own sanctification, and for the edification of my neighbors; keep me, Lord, from all such waste of time. May your grace teach me to remember that I shall have to give an account of the manner in which I shall have spent every hour; and may this remembrance prompt me to employ the rest of my life in working out my salvation.
Teach me to remember that, on this very day, and on every day of my life, it is my first duty to glorify you, my God; to imitate you, my Jesus; to resist temptations; to overcome my passions; to make the most of my time; to think on eternity and to pay attention to those who matter most in my life.
These are my first calls: teach me to remember them—enable me to fulfill them; and never let me idle away one single hour in vanities or in worldly matters that may hinder me from performing those duties which you have entrusted to me. Amen.

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