“Oh, that’d be wonderful! Do you think that they’d put the handcuffs on me?”The St. Louis police have not had an easy time of it, of late, but one recent cuffing-and-arrest came without difficulty, and brought a great deal of satisfaction to both the police and their collar: 102-year-old Edie Simms, whose “bucket list” included getting gently busted by the cops, and put into a squad car.
Asked if she enjoyed the experience, Simms answered, “Oh, yes, handcuffs and all!”

Simms’ penchant for do-gooderism is what got her “arrested.” She advocates staying active by doing community service and has donated hundreds of own hand-sewn goods — walker bags, pillows, and scarves among other things — to a local senior center for years. When the Five Star Senior Center wanted to meet Simms and express their appreciation, Michael Howard, the center’s Executive Director, asked the police to help get her there. Simms loved the idea, saying “Oh, that’d be wonderful! Do you think that they’d put the handcuffs on me?”
90 year-old man shares the secret to lasting happiness
Simms arrived at the center with police sirens blaring, and proudly held up her cuffs for all to see as she exited the wagon. St. Louis Police sergeant John McLaughlin said transporting the centenarian was a great pleasure. “We’re more than happy to do this kind of thing, he told local news station KPLR. “We get more out of it than the seniors do.”
The Five Star Senior Center feted Simms with cake and a tee shirt, and she posed wearing a police hat, but EdieSimms also shared her thoughts on what it means to live as part of a community. “Keep going; don’t ever stop whatever it is you’re doing, and spend some time doing community service. Sometimes, for the person you reach out and touch, you’re the only person that they will talk to in a day.” That and a positive outlook appear to be her secret to a long and happy life.
“It’s a great world,” she added, “if you just open your eyes and look at it.”
Read more: The Mass of the Very Old Men