The saints are human beings like the rest of us, and face similar challenges. With ideas from Edwige Billot, author of a recent book on getting guidance from the saints on how to handle our emotions (published in French: “Et si les saints nous coachaient sur nos émotions?”), we’re continuing our short series of articles on helpful advice from our holy brothers and sisters in heaven. Today, we look at overcoming fear, following the guidance of St. Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Jesuits.
Living in the present, doing what you can, and trusting God are three powerful levers for overcoming all kinds of fear.
First, it’s good to strive to live in the present. According to St. Ignatius, "anxiety and worry of the mind are not pleasing to God.”
Imagining catastrophic scenarios, dreading tomorrow, and feeling anguish in the face of the unknown are all based on ideas that are merely possibilities and only amplify our fear. Moreover, anxiety about the future can paralyze us and prevent us from living in the present.
The remedy? Choose to trust and rely on Divine Providence, not blindly but after having done everything in our power. In a letter dated 1555, a year before his death, St. Ignatius wrote powerful words to allay any fears: