Several years ago, when Pope Francis visited the Holy Land, he celebrated Mass in Bethlehem. I can’t stop thinking about a powerful statement he made from the pulpit, one that seems to speak directly to so many problems of today.
He began with a moving description of the Christ Child:
The Christ Child is a sign, and what Pope Francis says this means for us is both memorable and convicting. He turned his focus to the welcome given to babies and children in today’s society, saying,
Let’s look at that again and really take in the full significance of what he said. How a society welcomes babies and children reveals how healthy that society is. You can judge a nation by how it treats its children (and other vulnerable members of society).
If we were grading our society by how welcoming it is to babies and children, we’d probably score very poorly. There’s a reason so many young people are opting not to have children that our birth rate is practically in free fall. Actually, there are a lot of reasons. Here are just a few.
It’s no wonder that 85% of moms don't think society understands or supports the women who are supporting the next generation. And if we don’t support the mamas, then how can we possibly claim to support and want the babies who are their responsibility?
The saddest part is that a lot more women would be having children if our society offered a more supportive environment for parenting. Research confirms that “no matter how creatively it is sliced and diced, no matter what data source is used, women have fewer kids than they say they want, desire, intend, expect, or consider ideal.”
We need to stop and ask ourselves: What is wrong with our culture that it so often feels like a hostile environment for moms and babies? What would have to change to create a culture that is robustly supportive of families and truly pro-life?
Comedian Jen Fulwiler described the problem so perfectly when she said in a viral video,
When society doesn’t support parents and babies, that’s a sign that culture is dying. Or as Pope Francis explained, it’s a diagnostic marker that something is deeply wrong and unhealthy in that culture.
This time of year, I’m thinking of the most famous mom and baby ever, who couldn’t find a welcome at the inn in their own time and place. In honor of Our Lady and the Christ Child, let’s do our part to make this world a truly safe and welcoming place for moms and babies.
It’s the responsibility of each and every one of us to make the changes needed to welcome and support the families who are the future of our society, support we give in Christ’s name. How can we help to make “room at the inn” for mamas and babies in our world today?