We recently reported on the cross that will take center stage when King Charles III is crowned on May 6.
The beautiful Cross of Wales, which is made from Welsh silver, not only has two relics from what is believed to be the True Cross that were gifted to the king by Pope Francis embedded inside, but also carries an inscription that serves as a very important reminder during all the pomp and ceremony.
The powerful words in Welsh: "Byddwch lawen. Cadwch y ffydd. Gwnewch y pethau bychain," meaning, "Be joyful. Keep the faith. Do the little things." are etched into the back of the cross. (Importantly, King Charles was a serious scholar of the Welsh language in his past and will no doubt be aware of their meaning and significance.)
The simple message is part of the final sermon of St. David, the patron saint of Wales. And it is similar to a sentiment echoed by the much-loved Little Flower, St. Thérèse de Lisieux, centuries later, who took such joy in the smallest of things.
But these instructions to "Be joyful. Keep the faith. Do the little things," are not only vital for Charles III to bear in mind during his reign, but also for all of us as we navigate life's journey.
It's so easy to be overwhelmed by the chaos of life -- or even our achievements -- that we don't always stay grounded in faith. So as the Cross of Wales makes its way into Westminster Abbey on May 6, we can take a look at its shining glory, and remember that there is so much happiness to be gained in our faith, and if we focus on all those little things, the bigger things will generally sort themselves out.