Anger is one of those sneaky emotions that can affect us in a number of ways: from a sudden rage to having a constant deep fire within that leaves you permanently ready to explode for the slightest reason.
The problem with this sort of sentiment is that it doesn't just affect the individual, but also those who are in their lives.
Thankfully, there are some wise words to be found in Scripture that can help you see the dangers of your anger, and also to realize, that even when anger is justified, it's important to look to heavenly inspiration.
The consequences of anger
"Refrain from anger; abandon wrath; do not be provoked; it brings only harm." Psalms 37:8
Long-suffering results in great wisdom; a short temper raises folly high." Proverbs 14:29
"A mild answer turns back wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger." Proverbs 15:1
How to respond to your anger
"Should the anger of a ruler burst upon you, do not yield your place; for calmness abates great offenses." Ecclesiastes 10:4
Be angry but do not sin; do not let the sun set on your anger." Ephesians 4:26
"It is my wish, then, that in every place the men should pray, lifting up holy hands, without anger or argument." 1 Timothy 2:8
Take inspiration from the Lord
"And let the peace of Christ control your hearts, the peace into which you were also called in one body. And be thankful." Colossians 3:15
But you, Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in mercy and truth." Psalms 86:15