As parents we hope our children will grow up to be close to each other. However, three brothers from Croatia -- Renato, Marko, and Robert Pudar -- share not only a sibling bond, but one that ties them to their faith and their Heavenly Father.
In a very rare occurrence, the three men were all ordained on June 24 at the Holy Family Church in Solin. Renato and Marko Pudar were ordained to the priesthood, and their brother Robert was ordained to the diaconate.
Msgr. Želimir Puljić, the Apostolic Administrator of the archdiocese, presided over the ordination that saw a further four other men join the priesthood.
According to Shalom World, in his homily Msgr. Puljić advised the men:
Do not be afraid of your weakness when God calls. Surrender to God's Providence completely and without reservations, and He will strengthen and encourage you. You will be able to do everything in the one who strengthens you. He is counting on you and wants to realize great plans in this world through you."
The men's friends and family were all there to witness the special occasion. While we don't know how the new clergymen's parents are feeling, they've certainly done an incredible job in raising their sons in faith, and in preparing them to respond to their calling. And one thing is certain, the loved ones of our modern day Three Musketeers will never have far to look when they need spiritual advice!
Msgr. Puljić asked for the intercession of the Virgin Mary for the ordinands, which somehow seems appropriate for these three family men of faith.