Sandra Sabattini was passionate about living her faith within her engagement to Guido Rossi, in which God was at the center. The purpose of putting Christ at the center of their relationship was to live an adventure of love, and above all, to do so with authenticity and fullness.
If you want to live an authentic engagement too, read on to learn part of their story and discover how to make your relationship an adventurous trip towards true love.
Is it possible to be holy while dating?
Holiness is for everyone and at all times, regardless of the call that God has given them. We shouldn’t miss the opportunity to pursue holiness with our boyfriend or girlfriend, starting when we’re dating and then we’re engaged.
Sandra Sabbatini and her boyfriend Guido had this in mind. They lived a tender romance full of dreams and plans pleasing to God.
Here are some lessons about their courtship which can allow us to see how we can live our own relationship fully in preparation for marriage, with purpose and a strong desire for love and holiness.
For both Sandra and Guido, it was important to dedicate some time of service to the community -- and through it, to God. They did these activities together.
When the couple met, they were both part of the Pope John XXIII Community. In this organization, single young people, couples, and consecrated people share their lives with the poor and migrants in order to keep them from feeling lonely and to let them know God’s immense love for them.

Don't miss the opportunity to do apostolate with your boyfriend or girlfriend! Together, you can put your talents at the service of God and others. It will also strengthen your time together as a couple. You’ll be doing a purposeful activity together that will keep you united.
“I can attest to her quest to get me involved or to walk together, and this clarity of hers in always seeking to do God's will,” said Guido Rossi, speaking of Sandra.
For Sandra and Guido, it was very important to live their courtship according to God's will. Consequently, they both chose to have a pure and chaste relationship. Their love was not based merely on carnal desire, but would go far beyond that, in alignment with God's will.
Catholic youth are characterized by transmitting the joy that comes from the immense love of God. Sandra and Guido showed the holy love they had for each other in a lively and joyful way.
Guido Rossi shared that he was impressed by Sandra’s joyful and profound way of looking at life, and her trust in the Lord.

Sandra and Guido had a common goal: marriage.
Every goal of every couple in a relationship should be to get to know each other, sharing and talking about important issues that prepare them to form a family.
This exemplary couple, during their years of dating then engagement, led a life of love based on God's plan, according to their calling to marriage.
We must not fall into the popular idea of having “disposable” relationships.
In her diary, Sandra wrote the importance of experiencing the freedom God grants us as His children. "There is an attempt to make people run in vain, to cajole them with false freedoms, false goals in the name of well-being. And people are so caught up in a whirlwind of things that they turn against themselves. It’s not revolution that leads to truth, but truth that leads to revolution."
Love in freedom, seeking the good of the other person in your relationship. Loving means deciding to give yourself daily and with total freedom.