St. Philip Neri is known as the patron saint of joy. He always had a cheerful and positive attitude, even in adversity. He brought that holy happiness to the hearts of the people he encountered every day.
This pious and holy priest was joyful even in sickness. When he was dying, his doctor said to him, “I’ve never seen you so happy.” He replied, quoting Scripture: “I was glad when they said to me, ‘Let us go to the house of the Lord!’”
So, we present you with these wonderful tools that will help you live each day with joy, and to share it with others as St. Philip did. The Scriptures say, “What comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart” (Mt 15:18).

St. Philip's joy and happiness are born of a strong love for Christ, for he is the source of inexhaustible life, and therefore also of joy. Many people ask themselves why the saints were joyful even in adversity. And the answer is given by St. Philip: “Joy is the sign of a heart that sincerely loves God.”
He delighted daily in God's eternal love, and constantly praised Him and thanked Him for every situation and person He put in his path.
If you want to begin to see things with enthusiasm, and above all to live with true Christian joy, entrust every situation and every day to God.
St. Philip was always surrounded by people. He recommended having good friendships because they lead you to heaven. In this way he was able to establish good relationships and make the most of them, sharing with them and transmitting to them the faith and love of Christ.
It’s true that there’s more happiness in giving than in possessing. St. Philip never forgot this. He carried out works of charity and also organized other people to visit the sick or the needy. He dedicated his time to each person who needed it, and didn’t think twice about it, because he found joy in helping others.
According to medical science, when we laugh our body releases endorphins, dopamine and adrenaline, so laughter helps to combat stress and anxiety; in other words, laughter is you best ally in maintaining a positive attitude.
St. Philip Neri was the life of the party; wherever he went he was surrounded by people who appreciated his wonderful sense of humor. Being around him was pleasant and made people happy.
In short, St. Philip Neri teaches us that holiness and joy can go hand in hand, and that a Christian life lived with love and good humor can be a powerful force that attracts other people to the faith. His example and advice remain relevant and can inspire us to live with more joy and gratitude in our daily lives.